1. Basic Info

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The registration process consists of 3 steps, they need to be completed all at once.

Primairy contact (Parent 1)

Surname (as in passport)

Firstnames (as in passport)


Birth date


Mobile number

Source of income

Marital status

Email address (login)

(choose 8 digit password)

Password confirmation

Address information


House number

Zipcode (1234AB)


How did you find our agency?
(Name friend/family, IND, Goolge, Other)

Secundary contact (Parent 2)

Surname (as in passport)

Firstnames (as in passport)


Birth date


Mobile number

Email address

Source of income

If you create an account with NEDSA Au Pair Nederland, you agree to these conditions.
(in accordance with the legal conditions of the Au Pair program)

  • Agree to pay ​my Au Pair monthly pocket money of € 340,- (legal maximum) and a compensation for mobile phone costs of € 10,- per month.
  • Agree to take out the obliged Au Pair insurance (we will arrange) for ​my Au Pair, monthly premium average € 45,-
  • Agree to provide ​my Au Pair of a bike to use during the Au Pair year
  • Agree to contribute a minimum of € 500,- for ​my Au Pair to join a Dutch/English/other course
  • Agree to contribute to the go and return ticket for ​my au pair up till the average amount of € 500-750. (The Au Pair needs to have a go and return ticket​)​. ​Your Au ​P​air will ​pay for the majority of the ​​ticket​.​
  • Agree to pay for events ​so the Au Pair ​can join​ these​, 3 events: €125,-)